@TODO: Description and Help, spelling, grammer, …

stikflat is a Tool to generating HTML-Code with template engine magic.
There are some basic Themes and Codesnippets you can use and edit.


  1. Select a layout by double-click
  2. Edit the config
  3. generate HTML-Code

A lot of Themes has the same content like title, name, age, gender, so you can switch easier between themes.


All of the Themes are made by Coders and Designer at TOYHOU.SE and are F2U (Free2Use), got permission to use them here.


This Project is open-source, you can contribute your themes via PR or PM me with your theme. (DO NOT steal themes or contribute without permission from the original Coder)
@TODO: How to Contribute Themes via PR with example template, config etc.


Select a Layout by clicking to preview or double-click to edit.

Saved Configs

Select a Config by clicking to preview or double-click to edit.
Configs are saved localy, but don't relay on it. It is recommended to also save your Templates and Configs somewhere else as backup.


This preview is using the default bootstrap theme and may vary from TOYHOU.SE theme.
Not all Font Awesome Icons are avaiable, you can use Pro Icon in TOYHOU.SE but they aren't shown in this preview.
Put your mustache template here.
Use {{name}} as an tag from your Config or {{{name}}} for an unescape tag (for URLS, HTML, ...). Some HTML tags are filterd by toyhou.se like <dt>, <dd> or <dl> be aware.
Put your CSS here.
Put your mustache hash/object (json/yaml) here.
Mustache works by expanding tags from your template by using provided values from this config.

Generated Code

Here is your finished code to copy.
Delete all Settings and Editor-Inputs from local storage.
Delete all Settings and Editor-Inputs from local storage.

I'm not affiliated with Toyhou.se, this site is free to use and makes no profit.